Upon beginning your university journey, you will definitely know a thing or two about student societies. While some of them may seem unfamiliar to you, it is better to learn the names such as Purdue Memorial Union and Mountainlair as they are actually some of the most famous college organizations. But what are exactly honor societies, and what do they do?
What are student honor societies?
Honor societies are university organizations in the USA whose main goal is to acknowledge students who succeed in various fields. These student organizations are considered to be very respectable, and it could be highly beneficial for your future to participate in their activities.
Today, we’ll talk about one of such honor organizations — Florida Blue Key. Here is what you need to know about it.
5 facts about Florida Blue Key
Let’s start at the very beginning. Florida Blue Key is a famous student society that works at the University of Florida. It is the most reputable leadership honorary in Florida, so it could be incredibly difficult to join it. We have collected several interesting facts about this society.
1. When was Florida Blue Key founded?
It was established in 1923, just a few days before a big celebration — the Homecoming party.
2. Why was it necessary to start this student group?
President Albert E. Murphree decided that the University must have a special day when learners ask their dads to visit the University to explore the campus and find out more about the lives of their children. He asked his colleague Bert C. Riley to offer the plan to students. Bert C. Riley liked the project and put together leaders to help the University. They planned and prepared that special day for fathers. The celebration was quite successful and started a tradition. Students called their group Blue Key and this is how Florida Blue Key appeared.
3. What does the organization do nowadays?
Florida Blue Key continues to coordinate the Homecoming party which has transformed into a series of numerous fantastic activities during the autumn term. From the early 80s, they also patronize the Florida Blue Key Speech and Debate Tournament.
In addition, the society prepares Gator Legislative Day, which is considered to be the biggest student-organized gathering all over the globe. The first Gator Growl was held in 1932 and has been a good tradition at the University of Florida for more than 80 years.
4. Is this organization influential?
Florida Blue Key’s influence has been compared to The Machine from the University of Alabama. For years, participants of this society have been the protectors of student rights on campus.
5. Who are famous alumni of Blue Key?
A brief list of alumni includes such famous personalities as Alto Adams, Julie Imanuel Brown, C. Farris Bryant, Dean Cannon, Phil Graham, Bob Graham, B. Campbell Thornal, and many others.