All the Information about the Grave Key in DS3

All the Information about the Grave Key in DS3

The grave key in Dark Souls 3 gives the player access to a grave under the settlement of the Undead. And according to local legends being told, there was a statue of the goddess Velka. The goddess and the remains of her statue are able to remove or weaken all the curses that were imposed on the player during the game. However, this long-lost place can only be reached through the underground catacombs and sewers of the Undead settlement. Unfortunately, halfway along the way, you will come across an iron door that cannot be bypassed in any way and can only be opened with a key. In this small article, we will give you detailed instructions on how to get the grave key in this hardcore game.

How to Obtain the Key

The key for this door can be obtained from one of the handmaidens in the Temple of Fire. For it, you will have to give 1500 souls, as well as the Undertaker’s ashes. This key opens the very first door at the entrance to the sewer. Through the sewers, you can get to the cherished statue. And if you do not have the necessary items or you do not want to give them away, then you can use cheat codes. But there is a chance that you will spoil the gaming experience.

Where to Use it

The key can be used to open the door in the sewer, which is located in the location of the Settlement of the undead. From the dilapidated bridge bonfire, just go along the bridge. After this, go down into the sewer, and there will be the door.

Some Important Tips to Remember

Pay attention to the following:

  • An open passage will lead to the Velka Statue.
  • Also, using this key, you can also close the door that it opens. To do this, open the door with this key while standing from the side of the catacombs. This action will unlock the ability to re-close the door from both sides. In this case, if you open the door from the side where the rats are, the ability to close this door will disappear. It also disappears if you exit the game or go to another location, leaving the door open. It is not recommended to rest by the fire, leaving this door open if the ability to close the door is needed in the future. To retain the ability to close this door, you need to exit the game only when it is closed and always open it from the side of the catacombs.
  • If you jump into the pit with the catacombs, without opening the door leading to Irina, and survive, and then open the door to the catacombs with a key from the side of the catacombs, you can lure a dark spirit there and lock it there.